Planning Tips

Disney Rope Drop Tips

How to get the most out of your Rope Drop experience at each of the parks.

For those of you who might not know, Rope Drop is the time at each of the Disney parks when it first opens, and the rope into the park literally “drops” to let you in! Okay so maybe there isn’t always an actual rope, but you get the idea of where the name comes from.

I think Rope Drop is the BEST time at the parks.

Not a morning person? Well, here are three reasons you should consider taking advantage of Rope Drop (at least for a few mornings of your trip!):

1.      Smallest crowds

2.      Shortest lines

3.      Best temperatures

It’s as simple as that.

With the right timing and selection of your Fast Passes mixed in with the “regular” standby lines, you can hit the most rides and attractions in the shortest amount of time. Not quite sure how to do this? That’s where I come in! I strategically make your Fast Pass+ selections and personalized itinerary to help your group get the most out of your time in the parks!

Without giving away all of my tricks, here are a few tips I always share with clients for Rope Drop at each of the parks. Two things to keep in mind before taking advantage of these tips:

  1. Be sure to check if the park has Extra Magic Hours, as this will affect your timing (depending on if you’re on or off property – I can help answer questions about this!).
  2. Study your maps! If you don’t know where you’re going, you will end up wasting so much time trying to figure out where to go next (I still struggle at Animal Kingdom, and I’ve been there a million times – it gets confusing!). I always provide park maps with my client’s custom itineraries – I even include corresponding numbers to show them where to go, each step of the way 😊

Magic Kingdom

  • Arrive at least 45 minutes before the scheduled open time.  
  • Head to the bridge towards the land you’re starting with and weave your way up to the front of the pack (as much as possible).
  • The Cast Members will hold you there until the park open time, but now you’ve positioned yourself for success!  
  •  I recommend waiting at the bridge towards Fantasyland and heading straight to the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (unless you have a Fast Pass+ for it!).
  • Then knock out a ton of the Fantasyland rides since the standby lines will be relatively short – except Peter Pen, which has the longest wait after Mine Train. I provide a recommended order for my clients so they optimize those first two hours 😊 

Hollywood Studios


  • Current Galaxy’s Edge Strategy: Arrive at least 45 minutes before the scheduled park open time if you want to ride Rise of the Resistance! Once your entire group has entered the park, join a boarding group through the app at the scheduled park open time. Want more tips? Contact me!
  • If you’re not there for Star Wars and do NOT have a Fast Pass+ for Slinky Dog Dash, then I always recommend heading there first at Rope Drop. Still arrive at the park 45 minutes before the scheduled open time, as the crowds as the busiest at this park!


  • Arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled open time for Future World (don’t forget World Showcase doesn’t open until 11am!).
  • Epcot Rope Drop is the least stressful in my opinion, but it’s still good to get get there early.
  • Depending on whether you have a Fast Pass+ for Test Track or Soarin’ Around the World (or even if you don’t, pick one to ride first), we usually head to the opposite attraction first, and then use our Fast Pass+ afterwards.
  • If you don’t have a FastPass+ for Frozen Ever After, definitely go there first. Then you can meet Anna and Elsa right after (there aren’t any FastPasses for this, and the line gets so long!). 

Animal Kingdom

  • This one is SO important if you do NOT have a Fast Pass for Flight of Passage.
  • Arrive AT LEAST 60 minutes before the scheduled open time.
  •  On our most recent trip, the Cast Members were letting everyone through the turnstiles ONE HOUR before the park was scheduled to open, all the way to the line for Flight of Passage (not just on the bridge!). We had never seen it that early before, and we arrived at 7:10am for an 8am opening.
  • Unless you have a Fast Pass+ (or even if you do and want to do it twice), head straight to Flight of Passage with everybody else 😉
  • The line for Na’vi River Journey stays pretty short for the first hour, so take advantage and ride it as soon as you get off Flight of Passage.

Want more tips and help?! I’d love to share my expertise with you and plan your group’s trip!

Contact me today to learn more 😊