Planning Tips

Tips for Taking a Baby to Disney

This post was written with the help of client Becky Lilovich, mom of 10-month old, Olivia. Their family traveled to Disney in June 2019 with the baby for the first time.

Traveling anywhere with a baby can be stressful, but especially when traveling to Disney World. The heat, the crowds, the lines – not ideal for babies or adults!

That’s why, with the help of a client who recently experienced Disney with a 10-month old, I’ve pulled together my top Tips for Taking a Baby to Disney.

Start the Day Early.

Making it for Rope Drop at the parks might not always be possible with a baby, but the earlier you can get there, the better. As the day goes on, the crowds get heavier, the lines get longer and the temperatures get hotter. Beating the crowds and heat will make your Disney experience so much better for you and your baby – and if you have your day mapped out for you with the help of WDW Park Planners, then you’re in great shape! You’ll be able to get the most out of your time in the parks and still squeeze in nap time (for the baby AND you) in the afternoons!

Be Flexible.

Sticking to a baby’s schedule can be tough at Disney. Don’t be afraid to let allow naps to be slightly off their usual times or even let the baby nap in the stroller at the parks (this might just happen naturally, too!). Your baby will adjust more easily than you think, and you won’t feel like you have to be locked in to their schedule. If you have planning help from WDW Park Planners, your day will be structured to accommodate nap schedules as a part of your personalized itinerary 🙂

Take AC Breaks.

Orlando’s temperatures and humidity are brutal in the summer months. It is so important for you and your litle one to take AC breaks throughout the day. WDW Park Planners will structure your day so you have that AC time in between Fast Passes and reservations. Attractions such as The Enchanted Tiki Room (Magic Kingdom), Festival of the Lion King (Animal Kingdom), Frozen Sing-Along (Hollywood Studios) and the Gran Fiesta Tour (Epcot) are all great options!

Be Prepared.

You can never be too prepared for Disney, especially with a baby! This may seem obvious, but double check that you have all the essentials such as water (you can bring your own unopened bottles or a refillable water to use in the parks), easy travel snacks, plenty of diapers/wipes, a change of clothes for baby, sun hat, and cooling towels. Check out the blog post with Top Products for Taking a Baby to Disney for the best recommendations!

Planning a trip to Disney is a ton of work, so let WDW Park Planners do the heavy lifting! No matter your group’s ages or size, they will plan the perfect trip for you guys 🙂